Code of Conduct for Briese Chartering

The code of conduct describes what Briese Chartering considers to be appropriate business conduct and hence the conduct and behaviour that Briese Chartering expects from its suppliers when they provide services or from its customers when they expect services from Briese Chartering.

In addition to this Briese Chartering Code of Conduct, all clients are expected to comply with and observe all applicable local and international laws and regulations.

Clients are strongly encouraged to take action promptly when faced with non-compliance with the Briese Chartering Code of Conduct.

Prohibition of corruption and bribery

Briese Chartering expects its clients to conduct business in an ethical and lawful manner. Thus, the following rules concerning competition, anti-corruption and conflict of interest issues shall be used:

Fair competition, anti-trust laws and intellectual property rights are to be secured by

  • Acting in accordance with national and international competition laws
  • Not participating in price fixing, market or customer allocation, market sharing or bid rigging with competitors
  • Respecting the intellectual property rights of others
  • Tolerating no form of and not to engage directly or indirectly in any form of corruption or bribery
  • No granting, offering or promising anything of value to a government official or to a counterparty in the private sector to influence official action or obtain an improper advantage
  • Avoiding conflicts of interest that may adversely influence business relationships

Human rights

At Briese Chartering, we believe that all human beings are entitled to gain human rights and freedom. Naturally, children must be protected from actions influencing their childhood, like working instead of going to school.

These two objectives are the essential basis to all business relationships Briese Chartering is involved in.

The basic human rights of employees are to be secured by

  • Respecting the personal dignity, privacy and rights of each individual
  • Promoting equal opportunities for and treatment of its employees irrespective of skin color, race, nationality, social background, disabilities, sexual orientation, political or religious conviction, sex or age
  • Refusing to tolerate any unacceptable treatment of employees, such as mental cruelty, sexual harassment or discrimination
  • Prohibiting behavior including gestures, language and physical contact, that is sexual, coercive, threatening, abusive or exploitative
  • Refusing to employ or make anyone work against his will

Providing fair remuneration and guarantying the applicable national statutory minimum wages

  • Complying with the maximum number of working hours laid down in the applicable laws
  • Employing no workers under the age of 15
  • Acting in accordance with the applicable statutory and international standards regarding working conditions on board such as SOLAS regulations, MLC, and others

Employees are one of the reasons for success of Briese Chartering. Thus, Briese Chartering puts great challenges to care for the safety and health of employees by

  • Taking responsibility for the health and safety of its employees
  • Providing training and ensure that employees are educated in health and safety issues
  • Controlling hazards and take the best reasonably possible precautionary measures against accidents and occupational diseases

As one of the leading project and bulk carriers in Europe, Briese Chartering feels committed to reduce the environmental induction of the shipping sector by following measures  

  • Minimizing environmental pollution and make continuous improvements in environmental protection
  • Acting in accordance with the applicable statutory and international standards regarding environmental protection such as ECA regulations, MARPOL, and others

The Code of Conduct provides the standards for the conduct that Briese Chartering expects from customers and suppliers of Briese Chartering. They are expected to comply with this Code at any time as well as to fulfill these principles in their choice of business partners and when conducting their business and providing services on behalf of Briese Chartering. This does not mean that the Clients are exempted from responsibility for their conduct in situations not covered by this policy.
Clients should always use common sense when conducting business on behalf of Briese Chartering.
